Retro shooter fans are celebrating the hotly anticipated Star Fox 64 PC fan port, and the original character designer is among those thrilled with the result.”I don’t think Nintendo would tolerate this,” ex-Nintendo developer Takaya Imamura respondedsports betting to the news on Twitter, “but I’m personally very happy about it.” The classic sequel, also known in the PAL region as Lylat Wars, launched back in 1997 as a series reboot of 1993 original. Star Fox 64 had only been playable on Nintendo 64 hardware until the creative minds at Harbour Masters released its PC port just yesterday, dubbing their modernized take Starship.Being the team that brought us a stunning fan-made Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time PC port two years ago, it makes sense that plenty of fans join Imamura in his excitement. “Finally, the best rail shooter ever made gets even better,” writes Reddit user Crimsonclaw111 in the port’s PC gaming subreddit, with…
It’s been confirmed that a sequel to Creative Assembly’s 2014 survival horror game Alien: Isolation is in early development.Today, exactly 10 years after the release of the original, creative director Al Hope responds to fans’ “distress calls,” giving us that all-important announcement that work on a follow-up is underway. “On the 10th anniversary, it seems only fitting to let you know that we have heard your distress calls loud and clear,” Hope begins. “Today, I’m delighted to confirm, on behalf of the team, that a sequel to Alien: Isolation is in early development. We look forward to sharing more details with you when we’re ready.”No indication has been given as to when we can expect the sequel to be released, or what platforms it’ll land on, but it sounds like we might have quite a wait on our hands. Even so, it’s certainly exciting news for horror fans, especially with Halloween approaching. Hope says “it’s been nothing short of incredible” to see fans’ passion for Alien:…
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle developer MachineGames has a specific design philosophy when it comes to crafting villains. Speaking to Edge magazine, lead writer Tommy Tordsson-Bjork explained how the studio – responsible for both The Great Circle and the Wolfenstein games – brought its bad guys to life.”We’ve gone into every project with the philosophy that a properly characterized villain is what makes the hero shine. I always try to find some characteristics that make the villains feel more real, whether it’s giving them some quirk or flaws that they try to compensate for – even a sliver of humanity or empathy.”Grounding a villain with relatable flaws helps players connect with the character, but it’s also used to prop the hero up and bring out their best qualities. When writing Emmerich Voss, the calculating main antagonist of Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, Tordsson-Bjork mentioned that “his personality has been incredibly fun to write. But also, since I am not hyper-…